From The History Of BWRT®

The original inspiration for what was to become BWRT® came via an article in the New Scientist magazine in November 2011 about the experiments of Benjamin Libet in the early 1980s. The experiments appeared to prove that we don’t have free will in the way we usually think of it. You can stop action after it has started, but you have no conscious control over the impulse arising in the first place.

The reports of Libet’s experiments created howls of outrage, and there were many attempts to dispute the findings. None of them were entirely successful, though and, as more advanced imaging techniques became available, it became obvious that there was, indeed, a “cognitive gap” where the brain was starting to create a response before conscious awareness.

The “engine” of BWRT is a naturally occurring brain state, the “freeze” response, a “synthetic” version of which is induced therapeutically and without trauma. Then we use the primary communication processes of the early brain to reorganize and neutralize the response(s) associated with the presenting symptom.

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