Improve Your To-Do List

You might already have a to-do list, but the tasks on it may not accurately reflect the amount of time they will take to complete in real life. It’s easy to add an option to a to-do list. But it is much harder to find the time to complete it.
One solution to this problem is calendar blocking, which involves integrating your to-do list into your calendar. Since each item on your list requires actual time, you would schedule it in the calendar, just as you would a meeting.
If you create a visual representation of your to-do list and treat each task like an event you can’t miss, you will get a chance to hold yourself accountable and get everything done.
If you need help or advice, you can set an appointment with Rostyslav Shemechko by calling 647-866-9061 or contacting him at
Source: Skill Share
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