Taking Care Of Children With PTSD

Children are our future. And if you decide to help children who experienced the war, there are four things to avoid:

❗️ Don’t ask them how do they feel or are they scared. Be there and listen to what the child wants to say.
❗️ Hugs and photos are also taboo. Ask if you can be there, offer support, offer a hand. Do not post photos without parental consent.
❗️ Avoid gifts that have a sharp sound, such as balloons, fireworks, buzzing and shooting toys.
❗️ Don’t tell them phrases like “poor little thing”, and “I feel sorry for you”. They are children who saw the war. And this is about courage, not weakness.

The main rule is to help, not harm.

For help or advice, you can schedule an appointment with Rostyslav Shemechko at 647-866-9061 or here. Free psychological assistance during the war in Ukraine is available.

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