There are lots of approaches to psychotherapy. We would like to tell you more about the ones used by Rostyslav Shemechko.
Schema Therapy is a leading, modern, integrative approach to the treatment of personality disorders which are the results of a traumatic childhood.
Schemas or “negative life beliefs” can lead to low self-esteem, lack of connection to others, problems expressing feelings and emotions, and excessive worrying about basic safety issues.
The goal of this type of therapy is to help patients meet their basic emotional needs by healing schemas or replacing them with adaptive patterns of behavior.
It is particularly helpful for those people whose difficulties have become chronic.
☝️One little task for you. Please identify whether schemas are damaging your life by answering the following questions, recommended by Schema Therapy Institute. You can find them in the picture below ⬇️.
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may have one or several schemas that negatively influence your life.
If you would like to talk further about this call 647-866-9061 to schedule an appointment.