Recognize Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

It sounds like:
– After an accident, I can no longer drive a car. When I hear the humming of a motor I am paralyzed and I want to run away and don’t hear it. For me, it’s a problem to cross the street, as I was hit by a car in the same situation…
– It has been many years since I graduated high school, but I’m still scared of loud screaming and laughing. It reminds me of the bullying I experienced in grade 11. It’s all in my head: ridicule, humiliation, beatings. I feel like something has broken down inside of me and I am no longer what I used to be.
– I think my life is meaningless. I am a fireman and during the one fire we extinguished, I heard a man screaming from the room … The flames were very strong and I could not go inside. This man has died. I feel that it was my fault. I had to save him … I don’t want to live …

Life goes on after the trauma. Did you know that treating PTSD can lead to improvements in other areas of your life? Let’s cope with it together.

Also, read how to recognize Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder signs

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