How To Keep The Sound Mind When The World Panics?

This pandemic is not the first in the world, is it? It is very important to stay mentally healthy during these difficult times.

We will share with you a few pieces of advice, which could help you to go through this challenge with the least damage.

The main reason why people panic is uncertainty. We’d like to prevent it, minimize it, stay safe… but we don’t know how to do it. We are looking for information, surfing through social media and … increase our panic.

What could you do instead?

1. Receive information from reliable sources, like WHO or Government officials only.

2. Limit your searching, as focusing on the information of such a kind multiplies panic. Let yourself read about the COVID-19 twice a day, or not more than 10 minutes daily. Put the stopwatch on and don’t go over the limit.

3. Find your balance. If you feel this is too much for you, correct your limits. For example, don’t hesitate to tell your family or friends that you don’t want to talk about COVID-19. Offer them to change the topic.

5. Share your emotions instead. Tell them how do you feel about it.

6. Pay attention to what you are looking through or scrolling in your mind.

7. Use your experience. Remind yourself that everything passes, you have already seen a pandemic. And this time there are already a lot of people around the world that recovered and scientists are working on the vaccine for COVID-19

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