What’s Your Way To Overcome Panic Attacks?

Of course, all of us would like to have some straight forward way to solve our problems, however, the truth is that overcoming panic attacks doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all recipe.

We can find the strategies that will be helpful for you and combine them in the most efficient way.

One of the strategies is to bring out the symptoms you are afraid of the most, like a pounding heart, feeling lightheaded etc. Therefore, by intentionally bringing on the very symptoms you are afraid of, you can practice having them outside of the context of an attack. It will help you to stop interpreting them as dangerous each time they appear. Accordingly, you will prevent turning your symptoms to the growing snowball of panic.

For example, spin in the office chair or stand up quickly to feel dizzy and switch on a timer to stop it at the exact same time. Repeat it every day until it becomes totally boring.

If you would like to read more about different strategies or schedule an appointment to find your best strategy. Call 647-866-9061 or message.

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